Blog Article Extra Credit.
I am offering extra credit to your overall grade in the amount of five (5) points. The extra credit will be awarded once per lab topic to a maximum of three students per week. The awardees will have submitted the most interesting article of all those submitted. The five points will be added to those students' final point grades.
If your final point grade came to 445 points of 500 total points (445/500), you would receive a number grade of 89 (B+). Should you receive the extra credit, your final point grade would then be increased by 5 points, coming to 450/500, and now your final letter grade is increased to an A-.
- Search for and then submit in the comment box for that particular lab an article which relates to that lab's topic that has both an interesting and exciting story.
- Include with your submission: Your name, Your section, The title of the article and the URL link to it's source. Additionally, upon submitting the above, I ask that you also include a very brief description. Hint: make your article stand out, in other words, make me want to read what you've found.
- Should you be selected as one of the lucky three, you will be required to write a 200 to 500 word blog post that describes the article you found. The post you write up will be featured on this blog. Your post must include citations and references giving credit to the original source. As an example, see the first post on this blog: HERE, note that the description is 291 words in length.
- Should two students find and post the same article/story, regardless of source, the first student who posted the article/story in the comments will be considered.
- Lastly, this extra credit can only be received once by an individual student.