Lab 10 - Population Estimation

  1. Search for and then submit in the comment box below an article which relates to this lab's topic that has both an interesting and exciting story.
  2. Include with your submission:  your name, your section, the title of the article and the URL link to it's source.  Additionally, upon submitting the above, I ask that you also include a very brief description.  Hint:  make your article stand out, in other words, make me want to read what you've found.
  3. Should you be selected as one of the lucky three, you will be required to write a 200 to 500 word blog post that describes the article you found.  The post you write up will be featured on this blog. Your post must include citations and references giving credit to the original source.  As an example, see the first post on this blog:  HERE, note that the description is 291 words in length.
  4. Should two students find and post the same article/story, regardless of source, the first student who posted the article/story in the comments will be considered.
  5. Lastly, this extra credit can only be received once by an individual student.
Lab 2 - Population Estimation:


Tiereny Morrison-Rohlfs
Biol 124 Section 22

Cats kill more than one billion birds each year

Outdoor house cats kill billions of birds per year! If this continues, bird populations in certain areas can greatly decrease. This would cause a huge domino affect on the way of life in different areas. With so many the baby birds not being able to grow into adult reproducing birds then what does this mean for bird populations, along with so many others?!

Brendan Morgan
Biol 124-22

It seems as though we've made a fatal mistake!

The way the world has been assesing the extinction risk of threatened species was flawed. It looks as if the existing model failed to incorporate several factors that could make or break threatened species! How knows how many species may have been effected by this mistake in the system!

Carly Roy
BIOL 124-21

New Territory

The retreat of glaciers and melting of snow patches in Antarctica are evoking an expansion in Adelie penguin's habitat. This is leading a beneficial effect for the penguins, causing their population to flourish with an increase in 71% over the last five decades! Who knew there were any positive effects resulting from global warming?

Gabriela Christ
Biol 124-23

An Emperor Penguin Population Estimate: The First Global, Synoptic Survey of a Species from Space

Do you know how many Emperor Penguin breeding colonies there are? This is exactly what this article informs the reader in a detailed description stating how they found this information. The estimated population of Emperor Penguins with a survey in Antarctica using satellite imagery to identify locations. They found four new colonies with confirmed locations in three previously found sites. They found 46 Emperor Penguin breeding colonies with about 238,000 breeding pairs. Prior to this there was poor understanding of total breeding populations, but with this new information they found estimated total number of breeding populations and further populations, therefore providing a baseline for research down the road. In addition this article talks about how the growing populations will be affected by climate change, thus altering the marine food webs.

Don’t forget to look at the many data tables, scientific images, graphs and maps provided by this article to help further your knowledge on this interesting material.

Victoria Fryzel
Humanity is Not A Plague on Earth

MANKIND IS A PLAGUE ON EARTH!! Are only option:KILL OR BE KILLED! Limit the population growth or the natural world will do it for us! David Attenborough believes everyone's worst fears will come true. The world's population will grow, food will run out,and we will all die due to mass starvation! But is that really true? Though world hunger is a constant battle, some believe that our world population rate has actually begun to slow down. However, with our forests, vegetation, and natural food sources continuing to deplete, are we really out of the woods? This article will provide you with insight into experts theories on the fate of this world. Read the article, understand the theories, and then you the human race going to make it??

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